Dads for Democracy

This is a site run by non-white, non-male people who would be grievously injured by law enforcement if we attempted what our accomplice Guido Reichstadter did at SCOTUS on June 6, 2022, or on the Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge after Roe was overturned!

Is Guido the only courageous white man in America? We think so. Prove us wrong!

Dads, granddads, and most American men, you have stood by since the leaked Roe ruling, stood by after Roe was overturned, stripping our privacy and human rights. We are already dying from pregnancy complications in several states. Americans are slaughtered in mass shootings daily, including women, children and elders who deserve your protection. When will you say ENOUGH?!

When white men show courage, it's big news.

Our democracy is hanging by a thread. We are functionally a theocracy, ruled by six fundamentalists on the Supreme Court. Rise up now, because each day and each election that goes by will make it harder. Rise up now, and save democracy. #SCOTUS6 #RuthSentUs #RiseUp4AbortionRights

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